F1B Aussiedoodle puppies
3/4 Poodle, 1/4 Ausiedoodle
Born June 25, 2020.
2 days old
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Babies were born healthy and no complications. They nursed almost immedietly right after birth and are gaining weight.
Both puppies are black and one has white paws and white under-belly, and the other has a white chest.
Aayla - Mother of the pups
Aayla is an F1, 35 lbs, Aussiedoodle. She is extremely intelligent and athletic. She is very calm and gentle with in the house.
"Pet me, Pleeeeeese"
Very affectionate
Very calm after a day of running
She tries to get as close as she can to us in the morning.
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Felix - Father of the pups
Felix is an 18 lbs mini poodle stud from North Carolina. He has lived in Chilliwack since puppy with a local CKC breeder who has recently retired from breeding. He is calm, gentle and athletic.